ALCo Thunder returns to Carbondale, PA


ALCo Thunder returns to Carbondale, PA


Featured in this DVD are fifteen video clips of various ALCo locomotives from across the United States, now in service on the Delaware-Lackawanna. Some of the more notable roads that these engines once served include: D&H, Lehigh Valley, Erie Lackawanna, and BC Rail, as well as a host of others. These venerable engines, some in excess of 60 years old, are living embodiments of the railroads they once served.

All of these videos were shot by Cory Conway in the period January-May, 2014, on the Delaware-Lackawanna Carbondale line. These videos were shot for two reasons: (1) to record the successful revival of railroading in Carbondale in the 21st century, and (2) to showcase these fine ALCo engines that are still working to their full capacity many years after they made their debut in Schenectady, NY, in the twentieth century. 

This DVD was produced by the Carbondale D&H Transportation Museum as a funding initiative for (1) the restoration of D&H caboose 35964, and (2) the construction of an appropriate pavilion to display this railcar in downtown Carbondale.

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